Fri., Mar 7. 2025, 03:33 AM

Start Step

As long as you do not want to skip the Battle Phase (meaning to skip from Main Phase 1 to the End Phase), you will first enter the Start Step of the Battle Phase. In this Step, rarely something happens. Both players may still activate cards that have an appropriate activation requirement (e.g. "Threatening Roar".)

Battle Step

Attacks are declared in the Battle Step. First, the Turn Player chooses a monster that attacks and afterwards, which monster he wants to choose as attack target. This action changes the Game State to "attack declared". After the Battle Step, you go into the Damage Step to calculate Damage. After the Damage Step, you always first go back into the Battle Step.

If the number of possible attack targets changes during the Battle Step, a replay occurs. This means you can decide again if you want to attack with the same monster again. Regardless if the monster attacked again or not, it is considered to have declared an attack and can therefore not change its Battle Position in Main Phase 2.
If a replay occurs, it is no more possible to activate cards that react to the Game State "attack declared", as the monster declared the attack before the replay and does not so again. It simply attacks.

At the time of a replay, a player is directly before the Damage Step and only cards that have no specific activation requirement can be activated (e.g. "Book of Moon").

Also, paying Costs for the attack, e.g. 1000 Life Points for "Dark Elf" has not to be done again.

Several Chains during the Battle Step
Same as in every other Phase, you can create more than one chain during the Battle Step. Except for the Damage Calculation of the Damage Step, you can always build more than one chain.

After the attacking monster and the attack target are declared, the Turn Player gets priority to activate something. Afterwards, the non-Turn Player may react to the Game State "attack declared".


Player A attacks with "Cyber Dragon" directly. B activates in response to the attack declaration "Mirror Force".
  • By activating "Mirror Force", a chain starts and player A can chain to it.
  • Player A does chain with "Seven Tools of the Bandit" to negate "Mirror Force".
  • Player B CANNOT chain "Waboku" RIGHT NOW as it is a Normal Trap Card (Spell Speed 2) that cannot be chained to a Counter Trap Card (Spell Speed 3).
  • But after the chain resolved, player B activates "Waboku", as the game is still in the Battle Step. Remind: The Game State is no more "attack declared", so it is not possible to activate cards that have this specific activation requirement (e.g. "Magic Cylinder").
  • Player A passes priority, as he has nothing to chain. The effect of "Waboku" resolves.
  • If neither of the players wants to activate any more cards or effects (=both pass on an empty chain on netral Game State), they continue into the Damage Step and player B is safed from Battle Damage during this turn.

To sum it up, it is impossible to react with cards that refer to an attack declaration after the chain responding to the attack resolved. Even though, all effects with Spell Speed 2 and 3 that do not have a specific activation requirement may be activated after the chain resolved, but before the Damage Step. If neither player wants to activate anything anymore, the game continues into the Damage Step.

Further Examples:

Player A attacks with his "Mystic Tomato" his opponent's "Don Zaloog". Player B reacts to the attack declaration with "Mirror Force".
  • "Mystic Tomato" is destroyed by the effect of "Mirror Force". Therefore, "Mystic Tomato" is not destroyed by battle and cannot Special Summon a monster.
  • Player A may now activate his set "Call of the Haunted" to Special Summon "Mystic Tomato".
  • Afterwards, he can attack with the newly Summoned card.

Damage Step

The Damage Step consists of 7 Substeps. As many rules questions regard the Damage Step, we will have a very close look to this step.

If the number of possible attack targets changes during the Damage Step, a replay DOES NOT occur. The reason for this is that the attack is already considered legal. Apart from the Damage Calculation (Substep 4), it is always possible to create several chains in each step.

Sub Step 1: Start of the Damage Step

At the Beginning of the Damage Step, permanent effects that influence ATK/DEF become active. Cards that include the card text "during the Damage Step increase the ATK of this card ..." are now calculated in. An example for such a permanent ATK increase is "Jain, Lightsworn Paladin".

Now, effects that trigger at the Start of the Damage Step activate (e.g. "Ally of Justice - Catastor" or "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole"). As we are already in the Damage Step, there is no replay if a Trigger Effect causes an attack target to leave the field.
Quick Effects (e.g. "Honest") and Spell and Trap Cards that influence the ATK/DEF of a monster may be activated during this Substep.

Sub Step 2: Flipping the Face-Down Monster Face Up

If a face-down monster is the target of an attacking monster, it is NOW flipped face-up.
If the monster has a permanent effect that influences the ATK/DEF, the effect is immediately active. The effect of "Agent of Force - Mars" or "Mystic Plasma Zone" would now change the ATK/DEF of a right now flipped face-up DARK monster.
Flipp Effects trigger trough such a flipping face-up, but they will form a chain and resolve later on, in Sub Step 6 .
As in the Start of the Damage Step (Sub Step 1), you can activate effects like "Honest" or "Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow" as well as Spell and Trap Cards that modify ATK or DEF.

Sub Step 3: Before Damage Calculation

All effects that refer to "before Damage Calculation" are activated in this Sub Step.
This includes the effects of "Reflect Bounder", "Ehren, Lightsworn Monk" or "Drillroid". That means that a monster is flipped face-up before Drillroid destroys it. Therefore, if the destroyed monster had a Flip Effect, it will activate in Sub Step 6 although it is already destroyed.

As in the other Sub Steps, you can activate effects like "Honest" or "Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow" as well as Spell and Trap Cards that modify ATK or DEF.
This is the last Sub Step in which you can activate card effects that modify ATK/DEF. The only cards that modify ATK and can be activated in the following Sub Step are cards that have written in their card text that they can do so. Cards like "Mist Valley Thunder Lord" can only be activated until "Before Damage Calculation" (Sub Step 3).

Sub Step 4: During Damage Calculation

In this Sub Step, the ATK/DEF of the battling monsters are compared. This is the last possible time where the ATK/DEF can change before the final Damage Calculation is done.
Only Effects that specifically refer to the Damage Calculation can/have to activate here (e.g. "Injection Fairy Lily" or "Kinetic Soldier"). Quick Effects like "Honest" and "Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow" can be chained to such effects. Spell and Trap Cards that modify ATK/DEF (e.g. "Shrink" or "Rush Recklessly") CANNOT be activated in this Sub Step.
Of course, Counter Traps can respond or chain even during the whole Sub Steps (e.g. "Solemn Judgement" or "Divine Wrath").
Also, it is possible to activate effects that negate a card or effect activation, for example "Gladiator Beast Heraklinos" or "Light and Darkness Dragon".

Sub Step 5: Battle Damage is Inflicted

Now the Damage is calculated. After the Damage is calculated, the monsters are immediately considered as destroyed, but they will remain on the field until Sub Step 7.
Right after the process of calculating damage, permanent effects that did not influence the ATK and DEF of a monster are active.

Such permanent effects are those of a "Berserk Gorilla" that is in face-up Defense Position after an attack or a "Reflect Bounder".

"Dark Ruler Ha Des" from now on negates the Effects of all monsters that have been destroyed by fiend monsters.

Effects that trigger on the Battle Damage a player got activate and resolve in this Sub Step (e.g. "X-Saber Airbellum", "Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness", "Tragoedia" or "Spirit Reaper").

A monster that becomes destroyed by battle keeps its permanent effect only until this Sub Step. Also, the effects from monsters that are destroyed by battle (except for mandatory Quick Effects" can be activated.

Sub Step 6: Activating the Flip Effect of the Flipped Monster

In the 6th Sub Step of the Damage Step, the remaining monster effects are resolved. Although we already know in Sub Step 2 of the Damage Step that a monster has a Flip Effect, it resolves now. In addition, Trigger Effects (e.g. "Nightmare Penguin") resolve now as well as optional Trigger Effects that activate after the Damage Calculation (e.g. "D.D. Warrior Lady").
All these effects form one chain that is built following the SEGOC procedure (see chapter "Simultaneous Effects Go On Chain").

Sub Step 7: : End of the Damage Steps

At the End of the Damage Step, the monsters destroyed in battle are sent to the graveyard. The permanent effect of "Dark Magician of Chaos" would banish the monsters he destroyed right now instead of sending them to the graveyard.

Effects that activate in the graveyard (e.g. "Sangan") resolve now if they have not been sent to the graveyard earlier by card effects. In this case, the effect would of course activate earlier. Also, the effect of "Goyo Guardian" will activate at this time.

Also, effects resolve that activate at the End of the Damage Step (e.g. "The Six Samurai - Zanji", "Ryu Kokki" or "Legendary Jujitsu Master"). These effects DO NOT form a chain with the graveyard effects ("Sangan"), they activate in a new chain. This is because they triggered at different times.

Examples regarding the Damage Step:

Player A attacks with "Dark Balter the Terrible" player B's "D.D. Warrior Lady". B wants to activate "D.D. Warrior Lady's" effect to banish both monsters.
  • Damage is given in Sub Step 5 of the Damage Step. Therefore, "D.D. Warrior Lady" already counts as destroyed when her effect should be resolved in Sub Step 6.
  • "Dark Balter the Terrible" negates the destroyed "D.D. Warrior Lady".

A controls "The Six Samurai - Zanji" and "The Six Samurai - Irou". He attacks his opponent's "Jinzo" with "The Six Samurai - Zanji".
  • "The Six Samurai - Zanji" is destroyed in battle by Jinzo (Sub Step 5) and is sent to the graveyard (Sub Step 7). But because there is another Six Samurai Monster on the field, the effect of "The Six Samurai - Zanji" to destroy "Jinzo" activates.
  • If player A decides to destroy "The Six Samurai - Irou" to prevent "Zanji" from getting destroyed, "The Six Samurai - Zanji" cannot destroy "Jinzo" because there is no other face-up "Six Samurai" monster on the field at the End of the Damage Step.
  • To sum it up: For "The Six Samurai - Zanji", it is only important that there is another "Six Samurai" on the field. It does not matter if it itself gets destroyed.

Player A attacks with "Cyber Dragon" a set "Spear Cretin". He has set a "Torrential Tribute" in a previous turn.
  • "Spear Cretin" is flipped face-up, but his Flipp Effect does not resolve right now.
  • The Damage is calculated. Because no player uses a suitable card, "Cyber Dragon" has 2100 ATK and "Spear Cretin" has 500 DEF.
  • Therefore, "Spear Cretin" is destroyed by battle, but remains on the field (Sub Step 5).
  • The Flip Effect of "Spear Cretin" resolves an lays a Trigger Effect upon it. The effect activates and resolves when the card is sent into the graveyard.
  • Now we enter the End of the Damage Step and "Spear Cretin" is sent to the graveyard. The Trigger Effect that he laid upon hisself activates.
  • Both players summon their monsters.
  • "Torrential Tribute" CANNOT be activated as we are still in the Damage Step.

Similar would happen if you replace "Spear Cretin" with "Mystic Tomato", "Giant Rat", ...

A specific Example:

Player A attacks with his "D.D. Warrior Lady" player A's "Light and Darkness Dragon" which is in Attack Position and already negated 3 times (1300 ATK/800 DEF).
  • Player B gets 200 Damage and "Light and Darkness Dragon" is considered destroyed.
  • Player A activates the effect of "D.D. Warrior Lady" in Sub Step 5.
  • Although "Light and Darkness Dragon" is considered destroyed, it's effect activates as chain link 2.
  • The ATK and DEF of "Light and Darkness Dragon" are reduced by 500 and he negates "D.D. Warrior Lady". He then enters the graveyard and activates his effect to Special Summon another monster.

To sum it up: Even monsters that are already destroyed by battle can activate their effects because they are still on the field. Only optional effects (e.g. "Stardust Dragon") and permanent effects ("Jinzo") lose their effects as soon as they count as "destroyed by battle" (Sub Step 5).

Card Activation during the Damage Step
It is not correct that only Spell and Trap Cards that modify ATK/DEF can be activated during the Damage Step. Counter Traps that fulfill their activation requirement can also be activated. Also, effects that specifically negate other effects can be activated. In additon, several Trigger Effects and Quick Effects of monsters can be activated, but not all. Most times, it is written on a monster card if it an be used during the Damage Step ("D.D. Warrior Lady", "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole" or "The Six Samurai - Zanji"). There are also some special rulings on which we will now have a look.

Some examples:

  • "Seven Tools of the Bandit" is chained to negate a "Blast with Chain" during the Damage Step.
  • "Solemn Judgement" negates a "Shrink" that was activated during the Damage Step.
  • "Barrel Behind the Door" is chained to "Des Koala" to prevent a player from getting Battle Damage.
  • "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8" negates "Shrink".
  • "Null and Void" can be activated against the effect of "Airknight Parshath" because of a special ruling.

Only one manual Chain during Damage Calculation (Sub Step 4):

Player A attacks with "Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress" a "Mobius the Frost Monarc". During the Damage Step, in the Damage Calculation, he discards "Honest" as a cost to activate its effect.
  • Player B chains to the activation of "Honest" "Divine Wrath" and discards a card as activation cost.
  • Player A does not chain to the Counter Trap.
  • After the chain resolves, player A CANNOT start a new chain and discard another "Honest" from his hand.

End Step

After each Damage Step, the game returns into the Battle Step. If the Turn player no more wishes to declare attacks and no one wants to activate any more cards or effects, the game enters the End Step of the Battle Phase.
Here, card effects activate and resolve that reference to "the end of the Battle Phase". To these effects count the effects of the "Gladiator Beasts". They do not form a chain, but each effect is resolved by its own (principle of priority). Also, the permanent effect of "Goblin Attack Force" now activates and changes the card to Defense Position.

If there is nothing else to do, we now enter Main Phase 2.

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