If there were no chains, Yu-Gi-Oh! would only have half as many rules questions. Chains are created when a player activates a card or card effect. After this, the opponent may chain one of his cards, or, if he does not, the same player may chain a card to the first one. This sounds a bit dry, but we'll handle this step by step. Creating a Chain Generally, it can always be chained to a card effect (unless it is permanent). But it is important to look for the Spell Speeds of the effects. Also, it is important to differ between the activation of a card or effect AND the resolve of a chain. You can only chain with an effect that has the appropriate Spell Speed. Chain links can be added until there are no more cards that anyone of the players wants to add. Besides reacting to the previous activated effect, you can always also react to the event that triggered the effect of the first chain link. Resolving a Chain There is also a big difference in how the card itself is handled in comparison with the effect of a card. During the resolve of a chain, the effect is not dependant on the presence of a card on the field, in the graveyard... (the place, where the card was activated). For example, if the card was face-up on the field at activation and got sent to the graveyard before resolution, the effect resolves normally. The only exceptions to this are permanent Spell and Trap Cards that have no permanent effect, like "Ultimate Offering". These chain links resolve without effect if the card is no more face-up on the field during resolution.
Normally, a card is not sent to the graveyard at activation or while the chain resolves. Instead, all cards of the chain are sent to the graveyard at the same time after the whole chain resolved. The only exception is when another effect in the chain causes a card to leave the field due to the effect. In addition, always remember that you cannot chain into a resolving chain! 1. The easiest example - one chain link "Foolish Burial" is activated from your hand: Chain Link 1: "Foolish Burial" The chain only consists of the activated "Foolish Burial". Until now, almost nothing happened. The effect of "Foolish Burial" is not applied at this time, because both players may still react through chaining. In our example, no one wants to chain, so the chain resolves. Now, a monster is sent from the deck to the graveyard. "Foolish Burial" is sent to the graveyard and the effect of it is the final result of the chain. 2. We add another chain link Now we come to the typical question "What happens if "Mystical Space-Typhoon" is chained to card X ("Foolish Burial")? The chain looks the following: Chain Link 1: "Foolish Burial" Chain Link 2: "Mystical Space Typhoon" -> targeting "Foolish Burial" Because "Mystical Space Typhoon" targets, the target has to be choosen upon activation. Now, we resolve the chain. This always happens in reversed order of the creation of the chain: Chain Link 2: "Mystical Space-Typhoon" destroys "Foolish Burial" Chain Link 1: "Foolish Burial" sends a monster to the graveyard Because the card text of "Mystical Space-Typhoon" does not include negating an effect, the effect of "Foolish Burial" resolves, even though the card itself is no more on the field. After the whole chain resolves, all cards are sent to the graveyard. In our example, this is only "Mystical Space-Typhoon", as Foolish Burial was already sent to the graveyard by the effect of "Mystical Space-Typhoon". 3. A chain with 3 chain links Player A activates "Limit Reverse", player B chains "Royal Decree" to which Player A chains "Dust Tornado", targeting "Royal Decree". Chain Link 1: "Limit Reverse" -> targets a monster in the graveyard Chain Link 2: "Royal Decree" Chain Link 3: "Dust Tornado" -> targets "Royal Decree" When resolving the chain, chain link 3 ("Dust Tornado") first destroys "Royal Decree". "Royal Decree" is sent to the graveyard. Because "Royal Decree" is a Continous Trap Card, it looses it's effect as soon as it is no more face-up on the field. This means chain link 1, "Limit Reverse", is not negated and the targeted monster is Special Summoned. After the chain fully resolved, "Dust Tornado" is sent to the graveyard - "Limit Reverse" is a continous card and remains on the field. 4. Not chaining into a resolving chain Player A activates "Allure of Darkness" and chains "Dust Tornado" targeting Player B's "Call of the Haunted", which is in chain targeting "Hundred-Eyes Dragon". Chain Link 1: "Allure of Darkness" Chain Link 2: "Dust Tornado" -> targets set "Call of the Haunted" Chain Link 3: "Call of the Haunted" -> targets "Hundred-Eyes Dragon" Firstly, "Hundred-Eyes Dragon" is Special Summoned through "Call of the Haunted". Then, "Dust Tornado" destroys "Call of the Haunted". This causes the permanent effect of "Call of the Haunted" to destroy Hundred-Eyes Dragon. The reason for this is that continous effects do not have a Spell Speed and therefore do not use the chain. They can use their permanent effects in between a resolving chain. Now it is time for the Trigger-Effect of "Hundred-Eyes Dragon". But because we are still in a resolving chain, the effect cannot be activated right now. Therefore, we continue resolving the next chain link. So player A draws 2 cards and banishes a Dark-Monster from his hand. Or, if not possible, sends his hand to the graveyard. After this, the "Dust Tornado" and "Allure of Darkness" are sent to the graveyard. So what happens to the non-optional Trigger-Effect of "Hundred-Eyes Dragon"? It is a mandatory effect. Because it was not possible during the resolve of the chain, he now starts a new chain automatically. Chain Link 1: "Hundred-Eyes Dragon" Both players may chain to this new chain. If no one wants to, the player gets to add an "Earthbound Immortal"-Monster from his deck to his hand due to "Hundred-Eyes Dragon's" Effect. Simultaneous Effects go on Chain (SEGOC) When several effects activate at the same time ("trigger"), we use SEGOC to determine the order of the effects. SEGOC is the only possibility that chains contain more than one effect with Spell Speed 1. They go on chain as followed:
If a player controls more than one effect of the above types, he may decide the order of his own effects himself. Examples: A player has 2 set monster cards and the opponent activates "Swords of Revealing Light".
Player A has a set "Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter" and a set "Morphing Jar". Player B activates "Swords of Revealing Light".
Now, we look at a more complicated example that involves effects from both players. Examples: Player A attacks with "D.D. Warrior Lady" his opponent's "Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter". He decides to activate the effect of "D.D. Warrior Lady" after the battle.
Player A has 4 parts of "Exodia" in his hand and attacks a "Sangan" with his own "Sangan". Player B also has 4 parts of "Eoxdia" in his hand.
When following this rule, there should be no problem of building the right chain for simultaneuos effects. There are also lots of effects that seem simultaneus, but are not. Examples: Player A has a "Treeborn Frog" and a "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys" in his graveyard. It is his Standby Phase. Player B has a set "Torrential Tribute".
You will find more about this topic in "Priority in Phases". Quick Effects in SEGOC It is also possible that Quick Effects are chained simultaneuosly. This mostly happens when Quick Effects try to negate something and they are mandatory at the same time. An optional Quick Effect can never be activated simultaneuosly. Mandatory effects ALWAYS take precedence over optional effects. Example: Player A controls "Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV8" and "Light and Darkness Dragon". Player B activates a Spell Card.
If there are 2 monsters with a negating mandatory Quick Effect, we use SEGOC. The outcome is quite interesting. Example: Player A's "Sangan" is sent from the field to the graveyard. Player A also controls a face-up "Light and Darkness Dragon". Player B controls a "Doomcaliber Knight".
Negating effects can only negate those effects that they are directly chained to. "Doomcaliber Knight" is not directly chained to "Sangan", but he is chained to "Light and Darkness Dragon's" effect. "Doomcaliber Knight" cannot simply negate "Light and Darkness Dragon" because he triggered when "Sangan" activated. |
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